
Thursday, 20 December 2018

2018 Selfie Time

#Wedding Selfie | #Wedding Photographer Selfie | #Can't resist a wedding selfie...

Just for fun... here's my alternative look at 2018... and that cheeky fella who I photograph more frequently than anyone else ;0)

Now this isn't something I do at every wedding, but you know - when the opportunity presents...  Here are my selfies of 2018 (and a few that aren't quite selfies but hey, and a few that aren't from 2018, so just a bunch of photos really)...

Just to clarify .. Yes I really did get sun burn pretty badly through the Summer, I did not drink that Grey Goose... that umbrella really did hurt, Suzi..!, I don't know anyone called Suzi, I really do own that many waistcoats and I know - don't suit a helmet, that shadow... is a thumb!  And that bubble... oh yeah!

2018, you rocked!!  Thank you everyone x

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